Episode 17: Who is TimeRider? What is it like to teach an MSF Class?

Episode 17: Who is TimeRider? What is it like to teach an MSF Class?


This episode is rather abbreviated, with a few fun tidbits. Including one of the coooolest motorcycle movies ever! Ok, not the coolest, more like the cheesiest. It was 1982, what do you expect from Holllywood?

  • TimeRider! What do cowboys have to do with motorcycles? Well, this movie explored that idea.

Next week, our first guest will be my good friend Tamela Rich, a woman who after just a few months after learning to ride went on a solo, cross country motorcycle trip and has since racked up the miles raising money for breast cancer. She's also going to give us her $0.02 as to why more women don't ride. And, we'll talk about how to get more women to ride so that we can reach that 50% goal! Until then, happy trails.


Episode 18: Tamela Rich joins our discussion: Why don't more women ride?

Episode 18: Tamela Rich joins our discussion: Why don't more women ride?

Episode 16: Does Motorcycling Smell Like Pop Tarts or Bacon? What the hell is SMIDSY?